my biography begins with the soil i am most composed of. I was born on a small organic vegetable farm in Bolinas, a small town just north of the San Francisco bay area. Growing up in a veritable rural paradise, like many young people, the pull towards modernity dared me to shed my indigenous soil-I never considered that I would be a farmer like my father.
I went to Reed college in Portland, Oregon, to study science. I soon found that the place, the farm, and table that I was raised on was a bigger part of my person than I had ever considered. I found myself to be an artist of hospitable spaces and that the root of hospitality and conviviality is food. I found myself to be a farmer.
I am in a constant pursuit to understand culture and food. I aim to sculpt my surroundings into edible and hospitable teaching tools. I believe we can harness the land around us to inspire both its creative and nutritive potential and that sustainability, first and foremost, relies on inspiring the next generation.
So the question becomes:
How can we best manage land to conserve nature, create food and inspire the next generation to be environmentally proactive?